– Transport documents – documents relating to the Transport Order. Depending on the Customer’s requirements and road and customs regulations, these are:
Transport Order original,
The Bill Of Lading or the International Consignment Note (CMR),
TIR, EX, T1, T2 – customs security documents
a permit for entering other countries.
a Loading List – a list of vehicles for transportation, it is mostly a specification corresponding to the body numbers (VIN)
– Damage report
The car-carrier driver:
While starting work, the Driver must be rested, must not be under the influence of alcohol, psychotropic drugs and narcotics. The driver must not bring, offer or consume alcohol, psychotropic drugs or narcotics. If there is a reasonable suspicion that a person staying on the compound is under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicants, compound employees may prohibit any activity (work) for this person. In addition, such a person will be asked to leave the compound. In this case, the person has the right to ask to be tested with a breathalyzer or drug test.
Must possess transport documents necessary for vehicle transportation.
The driver is obliged to check every evening if he has:
a) personal documents, vehicle documents, transport documents,
b) a set of fuel cards and verify that the cards have not been replaced by outsiders. It is forbidden to store card pins together with cards.
⎯c)In the event of loss or replacement of documents/ fuel cards, this should be immediately reported to the dispatcher.
Should properly handle the cargo and drive the car carrier according to the traffic regulations binding in a given country.
While loading and unloading, the Driver must wear a reflective vest, work gloves while work by the autotransporter, disposable suit (if required by the Client), protective footwear with reinforced toe caps, a helmet and a suitable uniform that must be clean, with concealed buttons and fasteners in order not to damage the transported vehicles. Using jewellery is also prohibited.
It is FORBIDDEN during loading/ unloading process to: eat meals, smoke tobacco products, record (e.g. photographing, filming) the activities and surroundings, except for documenting damage, using mobile phones.
It is forbidden to use car accessories except for those necessary to start and drive the vehicle.
It is forbidden to transport people other than the company’s employees in the car transporter.
The driver agrees with the dispatcher on all processes from the departure to the return from the route (a route to the loading, loading, transport, unloading) and informs him about all unusual issues.
In case of a change of the driver in a loaded autotransporter, the driver who takes over the truck is to inform by TX about the condition of the cargo (damage of vehicles, securing of vehicles on the truck).
The autotransporter:
The autotransporter must be in a good technical condition (valid periodic vehicle inspection) and be equipped with two extinguishers and a first aid kit.
The Driver must ensure a clean and aesthetic appearance of the truck as well as the truck cab interior.
Technical, pneumatic and hydraulic systems should be in a good working condition.
The loading decks should have neither sharp edges, nor irregular surfaces.
The wheels of the car carrier should have undamaged mudguards to protect the cargo from stones and mud.
The upper decks should have railings in a good technical condition (undamaged pillars, complete 4 rows of tightened safety ropes) to prevent the Driver from falling.
The railings, pillars and rope attachments that may come into contact with the vehicles must be covered with a protective material.
The autotransporter must be equipped with chocks and belts, as required by VDI/VDA, in order to secure the cargo, as well as at least one chock under the wheel of the car carrier.
Belts, chocks and bars should not be stored in lockers. During transport, they are to be fastened on the decks of the autotransporter.
It is forbidden to transport items on the autotransporter that are not its equipment or cargo.
Arrival at the place of loading:
The Driver starts the journey to the loading site designated by the Dispatcher immediately after receiving the disposition.
After the arrival at the loading site, the Driver reports to the Sender’s office.
After receiving information about the cargo, the Driver parks the car carrier in the location designated by the Sender. It is important to pay attention if the surface of the loading site is even. In case of a surface slope, while loading the wheel of the car carrier must be secured with a chock in the direction of the surface slope.
Preparation and loading:
Cargo identification:
Always follow the regulations binding at a site of loading, as well as instructions of the person in charge of the loading area.
Request the Sender for providing the loading list and a list of car equipment.
Verify if the vehicles designated for transportation are compatible in terms of brands, quantity and VIN numbers with the ones enumerated on the loading list or other transport document. When it is necessary to collect the so-called “tickets” from loaded cars, the Driver should check the compliance of the VIN number also on the “ticket”.
Inspection of the technical condition of the vehicles designated for transportation:
Never remove accessories or parts from the other vehicle in order to equip the car designated for transportation. Report the shortages of such parts or accessories to the compound service.
Before loading, thoroughly inspect the cars designated for transportation against damage, according to the following scheme:
Stage I – front. Check:
the front bumper (in particular the bottom part), the radiator grille, the bonnet, the windscreen, wipers, the roof.
Stage II – left side. Check:
the entire left side of the car – including the sill,
the bumper, the front left wing, the wheel (cap, rim, tyre),
the front left door, the front door window, the rear-view mirror, the left side of the windshield, the roof,
the rear left door, windshield, the roof
the rear side window, the rear left fender, the wheel (cap, rim, tyre), the bumper,
open the driver’s door and inspect the car interior: closely inspect the steering wheel, the dashboard, the mileage metre, the fuel level (report high mileage, lack of fuel or signalling of failure to the compound service), the driver’s seat, additional accessories, the supplementary ignition key, the service book.
Stage III – rear. Schould be :
Check the bumper, the trunk lid, the rear window, the roof,
open the trunk and verify its equipment: the spare wheel or compressor,
the car jack, the tools, the warning triangle, the first aid kit, the aerial, the caps, the intact foliated package and other equipment.
Stage IV – right side. Check:
the entire right side of the car
the rear right door window, the rear right fender, the wheel (cap, rim, tyre), the bumper,
– the rear right door, the window, the roof,
the front right door, the door window, the rear-view mirror, the right side of the windshield, the roof,
the bumper, the front right fender, the wheel (cap, rim, tyre).
Attention: By signing the loading list or starting one of the cars designated for transportation, the Driver assumes responsibility for the entire cargo.
Proceedings in case of the observed damage:
The Driver demands a damage report from the Sender or prepares a damage report with the use of the form F-03/07 “Damage report” or a pattern, as required by the Client, and ensures that it is also signed by the Sender.
The Driver can make annotations in the transport documents. He must make sure that the annotation is visible on all copies.
The Driver saves one copy of the damage report.
In case of refusal of issuing damage report or refusal of entering annotations in transport documents the Driver should contact a person responsible for the brand from Quality Control Division or a Dispatcher.
Fundamentally at the place of unloading it is forbidden to submit/show damage reports received at the place of loading, unless otherwise stated in the client’s procedure.
It is forbidden to mask or hide damage caused during the entire transport process.
Preparing the car transporter for loading:
The Driver ensures if any chocks and belts have been removed from the decks and placed in a safe place. During loading belts and chocks must be placed as close as possible to the truck.
It is forbidden to hang belts and chocks on the railings and other elements of the autotransporter.
The Driver adjusts the movable parts of the car carrier (drawers) to obtain a flat angle (max. 8°) and small spacings between the platforms.
Pay special attention to setting the correct angle of overrun at the point of passing from the trailer to the tractor body.
The Driver analyses the car’s placement on the autotranporter in order to optimise loading and minimise the risk of damaging the cargo, with a special concern towards: the characteristic features of the vehicles designated for loading (their placement on the car carrier, load distribution); the size legislation for car carriers existing in specific countries (height, length, axle masses); the travel route (if possible, the vehicles that are to be unloaded in the first place must be loaded as the last ones – in case of several sites of unloading); the heights of the bridges, overpasses, tunnels on the route (ask the Dispatcher in case of an unknown route).
Before entering the car carrier, always verify the compliance of the VIN number of the currently loaded car with the VIN number on the loading list.
If, with a released hand brake, a control light other than “seatbelts” or “reserve”, notify the compound service.
Notify Quality Control Division employee if the mileage of the loaded vehicle is more than 10 km.
Comply with the speed limits at the compound and adjust the speed to the existing conditions: depending on the surface, space and traffic.
Comply with the binding traffic regulations, signs and tables at the compound, as well as orders and commands issued by the yard personnel or the security officer.
IT IS FORBIDDEN to transport persons or goods in the vehicles designated for transport.
The driver shall exercise due care and safety of persons and cargo throughout the transport process.
While driving the vehicles always turn on the emergency lights (depending on client’s requirements).
Only side mirrors should be used when reversing at the square.
In cars with automatic transmission: never shift the gearshift lever to the “P” (park) position if the vehicle is still in motion.
When the vehicle is in motion, never pull out the key.
In poor visibility conditions (rain, fog), reduce the speed and switch on the dimmed-beam lights.
It is forbidden to: switch gears by force, lead to tyre abrasion through sharp pulls and acceleration, tow, push the vehicle by another vehicle, drive the vehicle with an alarm light on (“oil pressure”, “charging”, “stop”), get out of the vehicle when the engine is on.
Loading the car:
If you are driving ahead, drive the front wheels to the beginning of the ramps, stop the vehicle, switch off the engine, apply the parking brake and exit the car to check the clearance between the front bumper and the ramps; if the clearance is too small, the risk of damage is high, so correct and reduce the ramping angle.
If you are driving backwards, first drive the rear wheels to the beginning of the ramps, stop the vehicle, switch off the engine, apply the parking brake and exit the car to check the clearance between the rear bumper and the ramps; if the clearance is too small, then correct and reduce the angle of the ramps; then drive the vehicle to the ramps and stop the vehicle again, switch off the engine, apply the parking brake, leave the car and check the clearance between the front bumper and the ramps; if it is too small, drive off the ramps and correct the ramping angle.
Immediately after leaving each loaded car on the autotransporter, the car should be secured against rolling with a chock.
Before each vehicle is driven on the car transporter, the side mirrors must be folded up to the maximum. (ATTENTION: Manual folding is prohibited for electric mirrors).
During loading/unloading of each car, check the driving track on the transporter at all times, observing the front wheel through the open window of the driver’s door. If there is any risk of damage to the vehicle or other abnormality, stop it again, switch off the engine, apply the parking brake, exit and evaluate the situation, then correct and minimize the risk of damage.
Pay particular attention when driving from the trailer to the tractor bodywork, where there is a high risk of damage to the bumper. If necessary, correct the position of the decks at this point.
If possible, ask for help another driver or the yard staff.
Special care should be taken when loading the first car above the car transporter’s cabin.
Make sure that the safety distances around the loaded vehicle are sufficient – not less than 10 cm (5 cm between the car chassis and the loading deck is allowed). Also always make sure that the distance between the tractor and the vehicle on the trailer is preserved (at least 30 cm) so that the car carrier can turn freely without damaging the transported vehicles.
Pay particular attention in order not to scratch the door when getting out of the vehicle. Getting in and out of the car are allowed only through the driver’s door.
Control the ideal tyre position, it must be parallel to the driving direction. The tyres must not overhang from either rear or front sides of the platforms (it does not concern the drop).
Upper decks of an autotransporter may be accessed only during loading or unloading, when they are maximally lowered. While working with/on an auto transporter the driver must wear a safety helmet fastened under the beard.
During loading or unloading, the car transporter’s engine should be started only during maneuvering the decks.
Loading special models:
Pay attention to the low chassis and the suspension chocks in specific sport models. DRIVE CAREFULLY!
Cabrio models: do not load them on the lower decks (risk of staining textile roofs or the cars’ interiors).
High models: pay attention to bridges, overpasses and tunnels!
Securing the vehicles on the autotransporter (safety measures):
Perform these steps in the following order:
pull the handbrake, put the gearbox to the first or reverse gear (in automatic gearboxes set to position ”P”), or follow the requirements of the Client,
close the windows and check if the sunroof is closed,
before turning off the engine, make sure that the electrical components (lights, wipers, ventilation, air conditioning, radio etc.) are off,
turn off the engine and remove the key from the starter,
make sure that the vents are open,
lock doors and make sure that interior lights are switched off and that the keys (key blade and remote controls) fit the car (the driver is obliged to check each of the available keys).
When loading all the keys must be obligatory placed in the organizer, which must be later placed in the car transporter cabin (the organizer can not be placed on car transporter platforms).
In transport, all vehicles must be locked and the ignition keys from these vehicles must be secured in the organisers and kept in the driver’s cabin. If an additional key set is in an intact package in the trunk, the package from the last car on the lower deck must also be taken to the driver’s cabin.
Securing the vehicles with belts and chocks.
The vehicles must be secured with belts and chocks according to the schemes below or as instructed by the client:
Fix the belts along the tire tread.
Pull the belt as tight as possible so that it does not slide in transport.
Fix the belt hooks to the loading surface perforations, but never to its moving part.
It is forbidden to pull the belt across the tyre and beyond the body of the transported car. The belt must not be twisted.
Vehicles loaded as first and middle ones (horizontally to the deck’s the deck’s surface):
Vehicles loaded at the end of the car carrier and at an angle to the surface (e.g. additional platform):
Cargo optimization:
In cargo optimization, follow the height, length parameters and car-carrier axle masses allowed in specific countries. In case of doubt, acquire information from the Dispatcher of Adampol S.A. For measurement, use the measure supplied to the car carrier. If the suitable tools are not available, the Driver should use the tools at the loading compound.
The angle of the loading surface must not exceed 25°.
Before operating the loaded decks, make sure that the vehicles are secured by belts and chocks.
The minimum safe distance around the loaded vehicle should be min. 10 cm (5 cm between the car chassis and the loading deck is allowed) or bigger, depending on the Client’s requirements. The distance between the vehicle on the tractor and the vehicle on the trailer should be at least 30 cm so that the car carrier can turn freely without damaging the transported vehicles.
It is forbidden to deflate the tyres in order to reduce the car’s height or disassemble any elements of the cars.
The final inspection before the car carrier starts the journey. The Driver is obliged to check if:
The loaded vehicles are locked and ignition keys are placed in the truck cabin.
All vehicles of the cargo are secured with belts and chocks according to the Requirements and if the prescribed distances between vehicles are preserved,
The height and length of the car carrier are in accordance with the traffic regulations in the specific countries, considering the predetermined route,
There are no unsecured elements on the car carrier, e.g. belts, chocks, loading rails,
The driver must have all necessary documents, and check if they are completed correctly (in case of doubt, contact the Dispatcher) and if the VIN numbers on the loading list are identical with the VIN numbers on the transport documents (CMR, INVOICE, T1, T2, EX).
During transport:
Preserve the safety of the cargo.
The loaded car carrier must always be parked in a safe place.
The load should be inspected after driving 50km from the place of loading, during stopovers, before starting a journey, after a harsh braking and after driving a difficult section of the road.
IT IS FORBIDDEN to enter the upper decks of the car transporter when they are lifted.
Pay particular attention to the safety of the cargo when driving under bridges and viaducts, in tunnels and under low hanging branches of trees.
In case of unexpected stopovers lasting more than 2 hours, notify the Dispatcher.
In the event of a accident or other situation which makes it impossible or difficult to continue driving, one should take care of one’s own safety, the cargo and the transporter and inform the Dispatcher immediately.
Driver’s safety and cargo protection:
It is forbidden to wash the loaded car carrier.
It is forbidden to replace and lubricate belts and chocks on the loaded autotransporter.
It is forbidden to put designations on new vehicles or turn on the lights in the transported cars while in transport (rear lights).
It is forbidden to make any changes to the cargo, e.g. removing damage, draining fuel, removing car equipment, disassembling parts.
In case the upper deck of the car transporter falls, the Workshop and the Dispatcher should be notified immediately. It is forbidden to walk on the decks of the car transporter and perform any activities without consulting the Workshop.
In case of truck fire the Driver should inform fire brigade and the dispatcher, use fire distinguisher according the instructions and secure the place of incident.
Delivering the vehicles to the recipient:
Vehicle acceptance by the recipient:
The delivery of the vehicles to the recipient must be performed during working hours of a given company.
After preliminary agreement with the recipient, the unloading is possible after working hours.
Vehicle unloading – while unloading, observe the regulations that apply to the loading procedure.
It is forbidden to push start a vehicle on autotransporter.
It is forbidden to drive a car with the engine switched off with the slope only.
It is allowed to remove belts and chocks only from the car just before its direct unloading.
The unloaded vehicles are parked in a place designated by the recipient and are left to the recipient’s disposal.
In case of failure or an accident that makes the process of unloading impossible, the Driver must notify the recipient and ask for help, if possible. The Driver also notifies the Dispatcher.
Taking responsibility and reporting the damage.
The driver’s responsibility ends with signing transport documents by the recipient, after prior unloading the vehicles and leaving them at the recipient’s disposal.
ATTENTION! The driver must receive transport documents signed by the recipient (the CMR note, i.e. the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road – in case of international transportation or the Consignment Note – in case of national transportation), proving that the cargo has been delivered.
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